GALIOPTIC, a team of 11 persons for the realization of your optical manufacturings.
GALIOPTIC, a production of serial optical components and prototypes.
GALIOPTIC, a know-how acquired during several years.
GALIOPTIC was created in september 2005 after the repurchase of the EUROPTIC compagny to the group TOFIL (STIGMA OPTIQUE, STEEM) in the past at Montgeron (dép.91).
At the first installed to Lieusaint, GALIOPTIC has joined in 2008 L'OPTIQUE COMMERCIALE compagny situated to NOGENT L'ARTAUD (02), a very old society working since 1858, to create on a bigger site, a main centre of optical manufacturing capable of answering an infinity requests, from simple lens to complex components.
The GALIOPTIC's arrival on this site allowed L'OPTIQUE COMMERCIALE to reach high levels of precision.
In April 2011, GALIOPTIC took its independance and the marketing of the optical components, giving the possibility to L'OPTIQUE COMMERCIALE develop its mark OPTICO-PARIS (magnifiers, linen-testers...) in commercial context in strong evolution.